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Meet The Judges
2006 Judging Legend Candidates and Results
Dozens of judges nominated their peers, expressing amazingly similar reasons for holding them in such high regard. The top five nominees were Ric Chashoudian, Judith Daniels, Joe Gregory, Margaret Mickelson, and Mardee Ward,
and indeed, YOU chose well.
And the winner is... Peggy Mickelson - click for Mickelson Interview!
Runner Up - Joe Gregory
You selected the five Nominees. We selected comments that best summed up each Candidate.
RIC CHASHOUDIAN: (Click for Interview)
Seems gruff to some but it's because he
is so intent on doing it well. Proves his eye for a dog and for
structure in his art.
Knows his terriers, in fact, he's a master
on all terriers, coated or not, and other breeds as well.
One of the last "old guys" who really
knows dogs and what it takes to present a terrier properly.
JUDITH (JUDI) DANIELS: (Click for Interview)
I nominate Judi Daniels for Judge Legend 2006 One of her best
points.....a million dollar smile!
a gracious and kind judge, putting both the exhibitors and dogs at
ease. We could attract many more people into the conformation rings if more
judges would have her character and gracious style
An honest and fair judge, also an advocate for dogs and "fought city hall" for our rights as owners and breeders.
JOSEPH (JOE) GREGORY: (Click for Interview)
Demands a good front, loves a sound and
showy dog. Those who know him know what he respects and when they win,
no sense crying politics because it is his knowledge and love for the shows
and the dogs he sees on the day that drives him to keep dancing and smiling.
..... Epitome of the all breed judge.
Dignified, soft spoken but eloquent in his obvious love for dogs and the
sport as it should be. An x-handler who knows the games, just doesn't
play them.
Few judges are so into the judging process
just for the love of dogs and right or wrong, choosing the dog he would most
like to own, or as a handler, have shown because of the type and style.
Known to not only spot a potential great dog but to award it, even buy it!
JUDGING LEGEND WINNER (Click for Interview)
A lady who knows what she wants and will
put it up whether the handler is "right" or not.
It is a joy to watch her do herding
breeds. More judges should have her knowledge and grasp of those
breeds. Hope she makes it to all-rounder.
A gifted writer who can verbalize or write
about the shows, the people, and what makes it all come together the way it
should. One who could do critiques as they do in Europe.
MARDEE WARD: (Click for Interview)
Comes from great lines! Her parents
were both good judges, Bob especially known for being about to spot the
right dog and the daughter gaining that reputation.
Born with an eye for Sams and now, other
breeds to.
I showed under her parents and was
delighted when she moved right into judging. She fills the ring with
knowledge that can't be gained by just having worked her way up as a handler
or breeder, which she is.
TheJudgesPlace.com EST 2005 © #0809154
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The Ring Steward says "Go back to Meet The Judges!" We invite you to
read interviews with other prominent AKC judges and Judging Legends. As you attend shows this year, make mental notes about who you will nominate next year!
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