> Judges Education Section
Competing In The Barn HuntGraham Mabbutt, Cynologist and author of "A Passion For Dogs, A Journey Of Discovery"
British Trainer says "scent work should and can be done with any breed but with using live rats, proper praise, encouragement and courage of participants…" lavishly illustrated!
I received a very interesting letter from a dedicated breeder of Catahoula Leopard Dogs in which she writes, “We have a sport here in The U.S. called Barn Hunt. Basically, rats are hidden in PVC tubes and the dogs are required to find them in a maze of straw bales. My best tracking dog ‘Sooner’ walks around with her head in the air and never indicates a rat. We call this cataloguing, but she will not indicate where the rats are.”
A few years ago I was taken aside from a group of tourists by a French Count, who realised, I was far more interested in his brace of crop-eared Beacerons than his chateaux and gardens. I was also a party to the rearing by a friend of mine of a Beauceron and a Wolf Cub born in a Circus (Sam and Nellie pictured left), both interesting experiments.
The Barn Hunt, authorised by The American Kennel Club through The Barn Hunt Association, awards qualification certificates up to Master Champion, RATCHX, for Clubs licensed to hold ‘Earth Dog Tests’ for all Breed’s. How the AKC square this up with the fact that in some states hunting with dogs for mammals is unlawful (rats, although classed as vermin are most definitely mammals) I do not know.
The same would apply should ever such a test be introduced in the UK where The Hunting Act 2004 bans the hunting of wild mammals with dogs in England and Wales. Further, since 1976 we also have The National Fancy Rat Association. The secretary, a schoolteacher, came to me with a problem Yorkshire Terrier who got along with her show champion rat. Her ‘Yorkie’, his silken coat sweeping the ground and a red ribbon tied to his top knot, was indeed neurotic. I don’t know about the parti-coloured rat but through instinct denial and unnatural association, the two maintained a status quo, living together on the friendliest of terms.
Oh! for the Yorkshire Terrier of yesteryear where it is recorded “Tiny The Wonder” killed a hundred rats in a barrel in under an hour.
Never since have I divested my trousers so quickly, dropping them to my ankles at the same time clutching the rat to my groin to throw it by its tail to my faithful dog that caught it in mid-air.
With the annual advent of the threshing tackle a collection of terriers (‘tere’ meaning earth) arrived by common consent from the local hunt and nearby farms gathering round the ring of wire netting as for an arena set up for their sport. This applied equally to the last swathe of standing corn in the harvest fields when the lurchers of the parish readied themselves as if straining in the slips to course and kill numerous rabbits, hares, and the occasional fox breaking cover.
Killing rats is an art requiring quickness not necessarily gameness. The good dog takes the rat by the head and shoulders and without shaking, drops it stone dead.
Few show pedigree terriers will face a pit of rats with perhaps the exception of the Patterdale and the Glen of Imaal. The same applies to going to ground, still less are they prepared to squirm to subterranean depths along a narrow ‘pipe’ to face a badger lying on a raised shelf especially constructed to afford it the advantage. The Revd. Jack Russell must be turning in his grave, not only for their lack of gameness but also for the altered appearance of terriers that to this day bear his name. Alas they are no longer narrow in the chest, long legged to run with the hound pack and ‘broken’ harsh coated to face all weathers.
The remedy for a track greyhound when tired of chasing an electric hare of flapping cloth is to allow the dog a short simple course for a live rabbit or hare with the reward of the kill.
Such an expedient I guess being repugnant to Suz there is only one alternative and as always when faced with a problem, begin with the basics, remembering that all remedial training is incremental.
In substance detection whether it be for explosives, drugs or live game, to search any number of room’s closing each off in sequence as ‘clean’ or otherwise with certainty is a problem. To paraphrase the often the proverbial ‘needle in the haystack’… give me the haystack and I will find the needle but a number of haystacks in a set time is another matter.
A dog cannot be turned on and off or be guaranteed to work at its optimum like a machine, not forgetting nasal fatigue and boredom all too easily set in.
Searching for substances is unlike hunting. It is not instinctive and is at best a game or at worst a trick taught for reward.
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Sadly, Graham Mabbutt passed away January 2022, he will be missed. EST 2005 © Nov 2019
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