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Meet The Judges
2002 Judging Legend Candidates & Results
The margins were tight but fortunately, the computer had no problem with the count. Dozens of judges nominated their peers and expressed remarkably similar reasons for holding them in such high regard. Each one of the distinguished Candidates is a Legendary name in our sport. The top
three nominees were Edd Embry Bivin, Ann Rogers Clark, and Anna Wanner.
And the winner is... Mr. Edd Embry Bivin - click for Bivin Interview!
Runner Up is ... Anna Rogers Clark
We selected comments that best summed up each Candidate.
express my appreciation for this honor. I shall strive to continue to be
deserving of the faith which those who bring me dogs to consider and
evaluate have placed in my opinion. I have a passion for the sport of
pure-bred dogs, and especially judging and breeding. Thanks again to my
peers for this recognition." Mr. Edd E. Bivin
Edd and Irene Bivin are icons in the sport. Daughter Teresa is an extraordinarily
talented handler, no doubt learning from a young age what it takes to make a
great dog, and how to present that dog to best advantage. We congratulate
Mr. Bivin on his great accomplishments both as a dog man and a family man!
Very knowledgeable of the various breeds and lets you know what he likes about the dogs he picks. He is strong on structure and movement. He is also willing to help exhibitors show their dogs better.
Very honest and discriminating judge.
I have watched this man judge for more years then I want to remember and always he is giving his honest opinion. I find I value this more then a win that is a give.
As a Judge myself I have found over the years that Ed Bivin judges the dogs from the Standards and is so well versed on all of the details of the Standard it is a pleasure to watch him go over each dog and then make his selection. I have sat outside the ring on many occasions, and he has always made a point of discussing his placements and from this I have learned a great deal and really appreciate his time and efforts and contributions to our sport.
Also the best dresser! I will strive to represent AKC as well in my judging career. Good dog man.
An outstanding Judge for many years and a great asset to the sport.
Never to busy to help a novice. Has bred some gorgeous Doberman Pinschers who have gone on to be Top Twenty Contenders.
… extremely knowledgeable, very good with the dogs and not political.
..fond of himself but a great judge of dogflesh. I use many of his methods when judging.
Quick and decisive. Very focused on task.
Always high on everyone's list, Mrs. James Edward Clark is a prolific writer, eloquent speaker, and gifted breeder. Were this a Presidential race, Annie would be V.P and she would capably take on every high level position and run it right!
Not only incredibly knowledgeable, Annie can express herself like nobody else. She has a way of sharing information and stories that never misses the mark. There is always a point to be made or a lesson to be learned from her. She is thoughtful about dogs in general, which always shows through in her judging. A role model for a whole generation of upcoming judges. Annie Clark is without peer in the dog world.
Really knows her stuff. Patient with new handlers.
…down to earth...willing to talk to you (afterwards) and calls them as she sees them.
She is definitely a class act and one of the best judges I have had the pleasure to show under in my 30 years of purebred dogs. She enjoys what she is doing, she gives every exhibitor the same respect and if she can help you to show your dog better to its full potential, she will take the time while judging to do so. And she does it without causing any embarrassment whatsoever.
I learned a lot from her and try to apply those lessons in my own rings. She knows everyone in the ring but tries to concentrate on what she knows about the breed first. Thanks for doing this in your website. It puts the credit where it belongs and it I think might bring attention to judges who are legends of a different sort. A soft kick in the posterior is a good motivator for us all. Annie is good at that to.
She's an awesome judge who really knows TYPE in every breed.
I don’t like spam but this caught my eye. I nominate Anne and think this is a good thing you are doing. I look for the results with interest.
We both think she’s more than deserving of this award. Known her for many years.
She’s one of the most talented, respected judges in the right today. She demands attention.
a living legend no doubt. Who can offer more help to a novice than she?
There can be no greater compliment that to be thought of as "Always a Lady" and Anna fits that to a "t". She is class, style, grace, and loved by all.
… not swayed by politics, is strong on correct structure and movement and puts up what she believes is the best dog no matter who is showing it.
Wonderful woman and great judge!
Knowledgeable and fearless when it comes to doing the right thing. Money and advertising mean nothing to this lady. The best dog always wins...no matter what...no matter who...no matter when.
Always a lady. A good representative for our sport.
Truly an asset to a lot of us judges through the years. Thank you for the e-mail, keep them coming.
Judges the dog who best represents the breed in her ring that day.
Always a class act, very gentle with the dogs and tells it like it is. She always has a kind word for the exhibitor and never seems like she's too much in a hurry to spend a few minutes to chat or answer questions. She really enjoys judging and it shows!
What a GREAT LADY she is! We need more like her.
…a real dog person, whose family, for generations is likewise, so she has set a wonderful role model. She knows soundness and structure and is a lifelong student of type. She spots a great one and knows why it is a great one. She is not influenced by who is handling or by standings, but keeps her eye on the dog. She has been an inspiration to many coming up in the sport of dogs, and deserves accolades at this juncture in her life for contributing to our wisdom and enthusiasm with dauntless determination.
Kind to exhibitors. Example of good grooming, good manners, grace.
Final Tally
Edd Embry Biven
Ann Rogers Clark
Anna Wanner
2002 Judging Legend Results
All results Are Final.
Your vote made the difference.
Mr. Edd Embry Biven is ..........
Judging Legend 2002
TheJudgesPlace.com EST 2005 © 2002
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The Ring Steward says "Go back to Meet The Judges!" We invite you to
read interviews with other prominent AKC judges and Judging Legends. As you attend shows this year, make mental notes about who you will nominate next year!
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